Tag Archives: some

Need some colour in your wardrobe? Look no further than Orwell + Austen

By NATASHA EDDERY It has to be said that during the winter months fashion can be a little dull and disappointing, but spring is finally upon us and we are slowly seeing bright colours filter into the shops. It is still fairly chilly outside so I am not too keen to shed my winter layers […]
The Sloaney

Male Grooming: James Haskell finds time for some pampering at Park Plaza’s Mandara Spa

By JAMES HASKELL I am familiar with spas, although unfortunately normally only for sporting recovery purposes as opposed to all the exotic treatments on offer. In my book, aside from the hardened spa user, they are most often seen as an ideal present for a girlfriend or female loved one. Ladies love being pampered while […]
The Sloaney